Sunday, May 10, 2009

Congratulations Shane Price!

"Don'tCensorKonstantin4Abilene" on the online Abilene Reporter News forums although one of my supporters, does not speak for me. I would speak for myself, but the ARN blocks my freedom of speech on their forums, that they themselves benefit from. I take absolutely no credit for the victory of Shane Price. Shane had the support of the police and fire departments, as well as others, and had their help calling voters before the election. I congratulate him upon his victory, and his clean and positive campaign. I did encourage people to find another candidate so I would not have to run again, but it was far more than just 4. For years I have been promising to drop out of politics once Sam Chase was removed from city council. Although I did run for office a number of times, I did so because I could find no better candidate. I do have a heart for the people of Abilene and the issues I have supported over the years. However, I have never been one who desires public attention, or positions of power.
As for the Mayor and Price rumors, they are ridiculous. I don't think that Shane is either enemy or friend of the mayor. He is an independent voice of his own. Why? I was at Shane's after party. None of the people that are big movers and shakers were there, nor was the Mayor. Sam and the Mayor go hunting occasionally, and the Mayor has had Sam go in his place to speak for him, like at the Ican meeting over a moth ago. I saw Shane speak several times, I never saw any of the old guard puppet him there either. Since I have run for office 3 times in Abilene, I know who these people are. I hear Mayor Archibald was at Sam's party, and that looks like him in Sam's video on the Abilene reporter News site. God bless America, the freedom of speech, and the people of Abilene.

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