Monday, October 26, 2009

Makin' the natives restless again...

I sent this out to many media and politicos. Hope it does some good.
From: ron konstantin []
Sent: Monday, October 26, 2009 5:50 PM
To: Dr. Marc;; Briley Briley;;;; Doug Myers; George Levesque; joe spano; ken pyvus;; KTXS parrent; News - KRBC - Producers; News Producers - KTAB;; nussbaumk; Paul Fabrizio; professor libby; publishme; Shane Price; Sidney Levesque; stormy higgins; Tom Vodak
Subject: FW: flyer

Try searching on to facebook under VOTE NO! Abilene Career Tech High School if the email link below does not work. I have also sent this to some hidden recipiants who know you have received it... To whomsoever much is given, much is required.

Here is a copy of the flier that was sent out and a link to the webpage of the ORGANIZED opposition to the Tech School. That the newspaper and the tv stations have not reported upon fully on and have yet to interview anyone from.

Vo/Tech High School?

Vocational and technical training in High School

Abilene’s high schools are on the verge of being unacceptable

High drop out rates, and poor TAKS performance, are said to be the cause, but these problems begin BEFORE high school

Abilene independent school district wants to say

which kids will go to college and which will not

Should a counselor keep your child from a college-prep program?

Children for this school will almost certainly be selected for this school based on race and income.

Fannin and Bowie are falling down, AISD has the bond money to renovate them in the bank, but has put the plans on hold: AISD administrators are holding elementary school renovations hostage to the Vo-tech bond election.

Is this right?

The administration wants 16 to 20 acres on which to build their new Vo-Tech High School.

They claim it will cost 1.5 million dollars for the land alone:

that is over $84,000 an acre.

The Administration doesn’t know when they can build it or where to solve this pressing critical need.

Meanwhile, they have 6 empty campuses in Abilene but do not want to use them.

All the classes they propose have been taught in AISD but have been dropped during the time this task force has supposedly been studying this problem.

They want to blackmail AISD taxpayers: no decent tech classes without a new building

The vote is November 3rd

Supporters of this Proposal are hoping for a low turnout and low interest.

Go to the polls and say no one more time to this Administration!

Early Voting


400 Oak Street, Suite 101
Oct 19th-
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Extended Hours
Oct 19th-
7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Oct 19th-
10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Mall of Abilene-Books A Million
4310 Buffalo Gap Road

4565 South 1st Street

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